Package Specific Options for CellMix


Functions to get/set options that are specific to the CellMix package.

cellmix.options sets/get single or multiple options, It behaves in the same way as options.

cellmix.getOption returns the value of a single option. It behaves in the same way as getOption.

cellmix.resetOptions reset all options to their default values.

cellmix.printOptions prints all options along with their default values, in a relatively compact way.



cellmix.getOption(x, default = NULL)

cellmix.resetOptions(..., ALL = FALSE)



option specifications. For cellmix.options this can be named arguments or a single unnamed argument that is a named list (see options. For cellmix.resetOptions, this must be the names of the options to reset.
logical that indicates if options that are not part of the default set of options should be removed.
a character string holding an option name.
if the specified option is not set in the options list, this value is returned. This facilitates retrieving an option and checking whether it is set and setting it separately if not.


All these option management functions are generated using the function setupPackageOptions from the pkgmaker package.