VeryGene - Marker List for Human Tissues


Marker gene list for Human tissues created from the VeryGene dataset. Genes are ordered according to their specificity index.


Note that according to the VeryGene paper, tissue specific gene sets in this list are not disjoint, and "express selectively in approximately two tissues on average". This can be important when used in deconvolution methods that require disjoint sets of marker genes. Duplicates accross tissue types can be removed using the function rmDuplicated or by filtering on the specificity score, e.g., ml[ ml >= 8].


vg <- MarkerList('VeryGene')

# marker sets are not disjoint
## [1] 32

# show historgram of specificity scores

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

# filter on scores
vg2 <- vg[vg >= 8, drop=TRUE]
##                   Length Class  Mode   
## Adrenal gland      16    -none- numeric
## Bladder             1    -none- numeric
## Blood             134    -none- numeric
## Body of stomach     6    -none- numeric
## Bone marrow         1    -none- numeric
## Bone structure      3    -none- numeric
## Breast              2    -none- numeric
## Bronchus            1    -none- numeric
## Dura mater          5    -none- numeric
## Fallopian tube      1    -none- numeric
## Gallbladder         2    -none- numeric
## Hypothalamus        3    -none- numeric
## Larynx              1    -none- numeric
## Liver             129    -none- numeric
## Locus ceruleus      1    -none- numeric
## Lung                8    -none- numeric
## Medulla of kidney   1    -none- numeric
## Ovary               2    -none- numeric
## Pancreas           34    -none- numeric
## Placenta           26    -none- numeric
## Prostate           14    -none- numeric
## Pylorus             1    -none- numeric
## Right atrium        1    -none- numeric
## Salivary gland      3    -none- numeric
## Skin                7    -none- numeric
## Spleen              2    -none- numeric
## Substantia nigra    2    -none- numeric
## Testis             50    -none- numeric
## Thymus             33    -none- numeric
## Thyroid gland       8    -none- numeric
## Ureter              1    -none- numeric
## Vas deferens        3    -none- numeric