Checking Input and Output Data for GED Algorithms


gedInput tells which input data is required by a given, or all GED algorithm(s).

Similarly gedOutput tells the type of output returned by each ged algorithm.

gedIO combines the information about input data and ouput data in a compact way.

isRequired, onlyRequired and anyRequired return a single logical if x is not missing, or a logical vector with one element per registered algorithm otherwise.

onlyRequired tells if a given input data is the only required data for a GED algorithm to run.

anyRequired tells if any input data is required at all to run a GED algorithm.




gedIO(x = gedAlgorithm())

isRequired(type, x)

onlyRequired(type, x)



an object that defines a GED algorithm, i.e. a GEDalgorithm object, an access key, a registry entry, etc..
a character string giving the type of input to test, i.e. either 'Basis', 'Coef' or 'Marker'.


If x is not missing gedInput returns a logical vector with one element per type of possible input: 'Basis', 'Coef', 'Marker'. If x is missing, then it returns a matrix of these vectors, with one row per algorithm registered in the internal registry.